Women Who Inspire Women!

Women Who Inspire Women!
Have you been following the women's revolution lately? This global movement is the most interesting and exciting event on the lips and hearts of women around the world and it's fucking spectacular! Communication is evolving, conversations are getting so much more interesting and well... an uprising is most definitely upon us in regards to the exposure in the media (and popular culture) of both inspiring and brave women.
'Women supporting women' runs deep in the loins of Saint Helena as a company and as part of International Womens Day we wanted to bring to the light some women whom (after complete dedication to their craft) are leaders in their field and have been persistent in breaking their own barriers.
NB: It was such an enjoyable experience putting this blog post together we hope you too can '#supportyourlocalgirlgang'!
Lauren Hill - Womens Surfing

Lauren Lindsey Hill – Womens Surfing/Activist/Journalist - Broken Head, Australia

Your latest project? 

Pear Shaped, a silly short film that explores some of the absurdities that we face as water women – you know, wardrobe malfunctions, rogue tampon strings, etc.

Surfing tends to take itself pretty seriously. And women’s surfing carries the extra burden of not only having to be serious, but also be sexy – which, in unison, can be really boring.

A couple of years ago I watched a ridiculous web clip put out by a men’s magazine called “How to Take A Wetsuit Off,”  which portrayed a “surfer girl” peeling off her wetsuit super sexily, with hose water spraying past her mouth, cleavage galore, etc.. It was softly pornographic and, mostly, just completely out of touch with reality. Anyone who’s taken off a wetsuit knows it’s probably one of the most unflattering things you could ever do with a body.

This was sort of the impetus for exploring a handful of the often idealised or sexualised aspects of being a female surfer – and the way social media normalises an unattainable body image.

Current personal inspiration?

Women making loud, unapologetic art

Current creative inspiration?

Tina Fey and Lena Dunham

Best moment in your career/work so far?

Exploring off the beaten path islands and cultures for surf and ocean mythology.

Your daily mantra?

Happiness comes of the capacity to think freely, to feel deeply, to risk life, to be needed. As a woman, I find taking risks extra important, because our gender hasn’t had the opportunity to exercise agency like we are able to. Our foremothers protested, risked everything, suffered and died -- as many women are still -- for the freedoms we have. That's a privilege I take really sincerely. 

Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field?

Comparison is the thief of joy. 




Natalie Wood - Fashion Designer

Natalie Wood – Fashion Director/Designer of David Lawrence (Country Road, Veronika Maine, Insight, Something Else) - Sydney, Australia

Your latest creation?

Summer collection for David Lawrence. Oh and my 2 year old son!

Current personal inspiration?

Indoor plants.

Current creative inspiration?

Gucci - more on more on more is back!

Best moment in your career so far?

There’s too many best moments to single out one - my whole career has been an awesome ride. The best moments are always the ones where I’m really in my creativity and working with a talented team.

Your daily mantra?

Stay present, be in the moment. Don’t stress.

Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field?

I think really about not sweating the small stuff. Stay really focused on the big picture and how you’re going to get there. I think as well, remain in touch with your femininity - soft can also be strong.


Alana Miller

 Alana Miller - Production Agent -  China/Indonesia

Your latest creation?

For the first time I managed to create slime….my daughter and I have been trying for over a month and finally we made it last night!!!

Current personal inspiration?

I am inspired daily by working mothers around me that still have the time to drop their children off to school everyday. Its a hard slog, so appreciating other women that have the same pressure as me and can still find the time for the most important things is an inspiration.

Current creative inspiration?

I live on a beautiful island and while the day to day is sometimes difficult, if I take the time to look around me there is so much to be inspired by. The people, colours, designs ( to name a few) help inspire me creatively. Even if they are locked into the back of my mind. They may rest there for a while but when time calls, I can reach into the vault and unleash them!

Best moment in your career so far?

It sounds minor, but getting emails or phone calls to say “thank you”. I work extremely hard for other people and to get the recognition personally is a proud moment for me professionally and personally. It makes the hard work worth while and proves to me I am part of a successful team ( albeit in another country). 

Your daily mantra?

No coffee, no workie!

Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field?

Take a leap of faith. If you really believe you can succeed in something then do it. Fear is instilled in us for birth, so you need to break through its little outer skin. Trust your instinct, trust yourself and the rest will follow. 




Irma Nia - Garment Factory

Irma Nia – Garment Factory Owner and Sewing School Founder – Bali, Indonesia.

Your latest creation?  Participating in Indonesia Fashion Week 2017. It's such a big event for our country! I'm exposing Banyuwangi batik origins which is called 'Sekar Jagad Banyuwangi'.
Current personal inspiration? I'm inspired by batik Banyuwangi as one of the fortunes of Indonesian archipelago. I stand for my heritage and I want the rest of the world to see it as I think it's absolutely beautiful.
Current creative inspiration? I always dream for my creations to go to the international market. This is my way of doing something more for my country and celebrating my origin, Banyuwangi.

Best moment in your career so far? Being allowed to participate on INDONESIA FASHION WEEK 2017! Receiving applause from 600 people who appreciate my creations. Wow, it was the best moment in my life so far!

Your daily mantra?  Working hard and daily prayer.

Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field? 
Every woman must have a dream to succeed in their field and with their family.



Megan Fishwick - Feel Good Revolution

Megan Fishwick – Founder of Feel Good Revolution - Byron Bay, Australia

Current creative inspiration?

Other women creating. I have dear friends running clothing labels, taking magical photos, creating beauty potions, setting up farms to grow food... I find it all inspiring and I marvel daily in their achievements.

Your latest creation?

Maple, my third daughter who turned 1 a few days ago.

Current personal inspiration?

Feel Good Revolution. I feel there is a big movement toward women, health and mindfulness for the greater good. This inspires me. 

Current creative inspiration?

Other women creating. I have dear friends running clothing labels, taking magical photos, creating beauty potions, setting up farms to grow food... I find it all inspiring and I marvel daily in their achievements.

Best moment in your career so far?

I have many amazing career moments, but one highlight that comes to mind is dancing alongside Carlos Santana while filming a music video as he ripped into his guitar, thinking to myself "Wow, a lot of people would want to be in my shoes right now" I just remember being completely in the moment, smiling and not having a care in the world. You know how some moments just stick with you? This was one of mine...

Your daily mantra?

I have a beautiful book of lighthearted mantras, todays is "Regardless of what came before or what comes after, this moment is a gift."

Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field?

I believe if you try at something (and truly do your best) and it's just not 'flowing,' then it is time to walk away, something more suitable will be right around the corner.



Melanie Hayhoe - Onboard Industries

Melanie Hayhoe – Director of Onboard Industries - North Avalon, Australia

Years in business?

27 Interesting Years...  Good Years!!

Your latest project? 

All things “Onboard” - all my brands I have, Channel Islands, Simon Anderson, Chris Christenson, Haydn Lewis & Catch Surf.  

Current personal inspiration?

Our shop in Byron Bay, I want to move in there….. 

Current creative inspiration?

I was asked to be in a book called Surf Shack  by Nina Freudenberger, it’s a design book on Surf Houses/People from around the globe.  The book is about to be launched later this month which is pretty exciting. 

Best moment in your career so far?

Working with good people - and have met some incredible people that have become life long friends.

Your daily mantra?

I’m not going to have a wine tonight!!!   hahah I’m still in the Summer spirit…   My Mantras change daily, from personal to business - mostly I like “Keep the focus” that seems to work for both.

Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field?

You gotta work hard!!  I have had many friends start up businesses and expect everything to be up and running, and profitable  in a few months, which is tough... if you believe in what you want you really have to give it a good go - years in fact so don’t give up!! It’s not about working it’s about learning and that’s the best thing, everyday you learn, you make mistakes and you have great ideas and everyday is different but that’s the only way you learn.   

And most importantly YOU MUST ENJOY WHAT YOU DO!!




Bree Avalon - Hair Stylist

Bree Avalon – Hair Stylist - Myocum, Australia

Years in Business:

I left school at 14 and went straight into hairdressing so almost 18 years.

Your latest project:

The buying of our old former Myocum school house.

Current creative inspiration:

My mates, my bestie/flatty is an upholsterer and from constant bouncing fabric textures/colours creations etc... it's amazing to see how much fabric/furniture trends go hand in hand with hair and textile fashion.

The best moment in my career so far:

Buying our house which has let me create my dream salon that can be permanent.

Daily mantra:

Always speak your truth.

Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field?

Always ask how they got there. Starting my apprenticeship at such a young age and the nature of my very social job I was daily surrounded by influential, entrepreneurial clients from a young age and I always asked lots of questions!

I knew I always wanted to run my own show, with no financial help and so with some OpShop furniture I started my first home salon at 23.

Trust in your art!!!



 Krista Huebner - Basil Bangs

Krista Huebner – Founder Basil Bangs - Sydney, Australia

Your latest creation?

On the work front, lots is currently in creation mode but that’s top secret ;). On a personal level, I’ve been getting into cross-stitch and loving it, it’s quite meditative. That said, I’m not getting to it as much as I’d like. The Christmas present I started in October is still a work in progress! Likely a Christmas gift for this year though #win.

Current personal inspiration?

My mum. She’s creative by definition - she’s not worried about the end result, but intrigued by the process and seeing ‘what happens if...'. Avoiding thinking about the end result while you’re 'creating’ is SO HARD. I struggle with it and admire people who can be in that space. I’m also constantly inspired by people who create things that help make the world tangibly better. I can be in my work/life bubble a lot, but my sister in law is always telling me about awesome people doing cool things; For Christmas she bought me the e-book about David Flynn who created Thank You products, and that’s a great story. 

Current creative inspiration?

Art. always. Some cracking exhibitions out there for Art Month in March. Sydney peeps get out there!

Best moment in your career so far?

Still to come :) …But I’m really proud of working with Mike and staying married to boot - that's a pretty great, ongoing career moment!

Your daily mantra?


Something your have learned in your career that you can pass onto other women in your field?

Persistence. Be kind. Ask for help. It’s hard being all things to all people all the time, as it can often feel like we’re trying to do, so it’s ok if you’re not.


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1 comment

  • Love this blog Shannon – you are creating something amazing . Keep Up these inspirational stories & lets all keep helping each other in our different journeys .
    Well done x

    Wendy Ellis

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