The Italians

The Italians

The Italians have been doing it for centuries..crafting yarns and fabric of the utmost impeccable quality, it seems no one in the world can really get past them still today. Throughout the product descriptions in the store, you will notice we mention Italian Lycra on the majority of products - you may or may not know what this actually means so here's a quick little run down and why when using Italian Lycra we want you to know about it...

* Shape retention - due to the circular knitting of the fabric it has a unique 2 way stretch that molds to you body and holds it shape. So the tine little threads don't bend out of shape as quickly as other fabrics.

* Resistance - a lot of the fabric have many oil, sand, chlorine resistance which we think is a huge bonus for the life of a swimsuit

* UV protection - it varies but the UV Protection is higher than a standard lyrcra

* Hand feel - the Italian fabrics have a unique hand feel and quality you can see and feel. It's a luxurious fabric that we're proud to use in this first collection of Saint Helena.







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